Dec 08,2023

Meera Kaur


Meera Kaur is a certified NASM personal trainer and a dedicated researcher specializing in the latest advancements in nutrition and healthy living practices. Within the Healing Hypnotists Model (HHM), Meera offers a customized blend of expertise. In a world often dominated by unrealistic beauty standards, perpetuated by AI or Photoshop experts, Meera focuses on fostering youthful confidence. As a prolific blogger, she advocates for promoting healthy and realistic body images among women of all ages.

Although Meera initially trained as a lawyer, she has redirected her career path as a young British Asian woman embracing the Healing Hypnotists Model (HHM). Her goal is to reshape self-perception and free her clients from limiting self-beliefs.

Key Areas of focus:

1) Personal Training
2) Confidence Coaching
3) Weight Control
4) Nutrition for Health


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