Dec 06,2023

Stress &Cortisol – The Fight or Flight Hormone


To help better understand stress in the face of challenging or startling events, our bodies respond with a surge of energy triggered by the perception of stress, note the emphasis on the word PERCEPTION. A challenging or startling event, initiates the release of cortisol, often known as the "stress hormone," from the adrenal glands into the bloodstream. Cortisol causes an increase in heart rate and blood pressure, activating the natural "fight or flight" response that has been essential for human survival over millennia.

Apart from stress-induced situations, normal cortisol levels are also released during wakefulness and exercise. These levels serve various purposes, including the regulation of blood pressure, blood sugar levels, and strengthening of the heart muscle. In smaller amounts, cortisol can enhance memory, boost the immune system, and reduce sensitivity to pain.

Nevertheless, prolonged exposure to chronic stress can lead to undesirable effects, such as fatigue, irritability, headaches, gastrointestinal issues (constipation,

bloating, or diarrhea), anxiety, depression, weight gain, increased blood pressure, and other issues affecting libido, menstrual cycles, and exercise recovery.

The Healing Hypnotist™ Model, which has been described as a non-conventional therapeutic approach, emerges as a potential solution to address the repercussions of excessive cortisol due to chronic stress. Through hypnotic techniques and guided imagery, The Healing Hypnotists model aims to induce relaxation and alleviate stress. Customized hypnotic sessions help individuals reframe negative thought patterns and foster inner tranquility, potentially mitigating the adverse effects of prolonged stress.

When the adrenal glands release cortisol, it prompts a rapid supply of glucose to large muscles, providing an immediate energy source. Simultaneously, it inhibits insulin production, preventing glucose storage and making it readily available for immediate use. Cortisol, in conjunction with another hormone called epinephrine, narrows arteries and accelerates heart rate, ensuring intensified blood circulation as the body confronts and resolves imminent threats.

A consistently high-stress lifestyle may result in continual cortisol production. Nonetheless, cortisol levels return to normal once stressors subside, such as avoiding an accident or meeting a deadline.

Excessive and chronic cortisol secretion has detrimental consequences, including:

1. Increased blood sugar levels: The pancreas struggles to meet the high insulin demand, leading to elevated blood glucose levels, hampering cell energy performance.

2. Weight gain: Misleading hunger signals may emerge, prompting overeating and weight gain. Unused glucose in the blood gets stored as body fat.

3. Suppressed immune system: Prolonged high cortisol levels can compromise the immune system, increasing vulnerability to infections, cancer, autoimmune disorders, and food allergies.

4. Digestive problems: Stress-induced cortisol elevation can disrupt digestion, causing difficulties in food absorption, possibly leading to ulcers, colitis, or irritable bowel syndrome.

5. heart disease: Constricted arteries and high blood pressure can lead to plaque buildup in arteries, potentially contributing to heart attacks or strokes.

To counteract these effects, adopting healthy stress management practices, such as the Healing Hypnotist Model, is crucial. Alongside this, the American Heart Association recommends various strategies:

- Identifying stressors and constructive coping mechanisms
- Planning and slowing down to reduce feelings of rush
- Getting sufficient sleep (7 to 9 hours per night)
- Taking breaks and reducing worry
- Maintaining social connections and support systems
- Organizing tasks efficiently
- Engaging in acts of giving and volunteering
- Regular exercise for mental and physical tension relief
- Eliminating harmful habits like excessive alcohol, tobacco, and caffeine consumption
- Focusing on positive changes and personal goals
- Learning to say no to low prioritycommitments
- Seeking professional help for overwhelming stress.

By becoming mindful of stress levels and adopting simple practices like meditation, deep breathing techniques, exercise, and leisure activities, individuals can take proactive steps to manage stress and promote overall well-being. Our model has helped many better manage their cortisol levels through stress reduction. If you feel you are suffering from Chronic Stress or the related symptoms we strongly urge you to consult first with your Medical Advisors or Doctor, prior to approaching our team for additional support.


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